The Emmaüs Foundation, created by Abbé Pierre in 1949, is a charity to fight against poverty and exclusion, as well as a pioneer in the circular and solidarity economy.


Emmaüs was born 74 years ago to help people who are victims of various phenomena of exclusion, in order to find solutions that allow them to become actors in their lives again. Faithful to the will of Abbé Pierre, Emmaüs has become both a factory of social innovations and solidarity to help people in very precarious situations, and a committed, militant front in favour of a more humane and fairer society model.


The Emmaüs charity now has more than 30,000 people in France: companions, volunteers, employees in integration, guests... There are different types of structures within the charity, in order to offer an adapted, tailor-made response to each situation.

In the words of Dub inc

Many already know Emmaüs, or have been to one of their communities. We'd already had opportunities to meet and support Emmaüs in Saint-Étienne, as well as Lescar-Pau, where we played on several occasions. Since we were aware of their cause, we were able to support three communities (Rouen, Paris, and Saint-Étienne) during our shows in November 2022, by donating the profits from the sale of cups.